Nadir Görülen Nazolabial Kist


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منابع مشابه

An Epidermal Cyst Mimicking a Pilonidal Cyst: Case Report Pilonidal Kist Apsesini Taklit Eden Epidermoid Kist

DOI: 10.4328/AEMED.103 Received: 14.11.2016 Accepted: 02.12.2016 Published Online: 01.01.2017 J Ann Eu Med 2017;5(1): 30-2 Corresponding Author: İhsan Yıldız, Department of Genaral Surgery, Suleyman Demirel University, Scholl of Medicine, 32100, Isparta, Turkey. GSM: +905052119248 F.: +9

متن کامل

A Case of Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata Complicated with Fetal Arrhythmia

Özet Rizomelik kondrodisplazi punktata (RCDP) ekstremitelerde proksimal kýsalýk, eklem kontraktürleri ve epifizlerde punktat kalsifikasyonlar ile katarakt, geliþme geriliði ve aðýr mental retardasyonla karakterize otozomal resesif kalýtýlan nadir görülen bir sendromdur. Bu yazýda sunulan yenidoðan olguya klinik, biyokimyasal ve radyolojik bulgular ile RCDP tanýsý konuldu. Olgu, RCDP’ de nadir g...

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NaDiR: Naive Distributional Response Generation

This paper describes NaDiR (Naive DIstributional Response generation), a corpus-based system that, from a set of word stimuli as an input, generates a response word relying on association strength and distributional similarity. NaDiR participated in the CogALex 2014 shared task on multiword associations (restricted systems track), operationalizing the task as a ranking problem: candidate words ...

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Modeling the Potential Swath Coverage of Nadir and Off-Nadir Pointable Remote Sensing Satellite-Sensor Systems

Pointable sensor systems onboard many earth resources satellites today, particularly the higher spatial resolution sensors, provide for a near infinite set of collection opportunities. Satellite orbits of these systems are not systematic repetitive tracks. Predicting future collection opportunities requires predicting where the satellite will be and then computing the potential swath coverage f...

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The Nadir Experience: Crisis, Transition, and Growth

The author summarized research on the nadir experience, the experience of one of the very lowest points of life. Although a sense of disintegration, powerlessness, and emptiness marks its immediate aftermath, survivors of rape, bereavement, and maritime disasters have shown that a nadir experience can also be an opportunity for personal transformation and psychological growth. Severe trauma is ...

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سال: 2020

ISSN: 2587-1641

DOI: 10.34084/bshr.732514